Relationships are at the core of our work as Early Childhood Teachers. Cultivating and maintaining positive relationships in our classrooms helps decrease discipline problems and increase learning. This training will give teachers tools based in Restorative Practices to support them in cultivating classrooms filled with positive relationships. This work will also support children as they develop social and emotional intelligence, communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and conflict-resolution skills.

This interactive training will include: 

  • a brief overview of the goals and framework of Restorative Practices 

  • specific practices to support us in the work of cultivating positive relationships in Early Childhood environments with and between our students

  • A deep dive into cultivating a classroom culture of listening which is a foundational practice of a peaceful classroom

  • clear conflict resolution strategies you can begin using in your early childhood classroom right away. 

  • valuable alternatives to traditional discipline measures that can help repair relationships and teach young ones valuable skills along the way.  

Cultivating Peaceful Early Childhood Classrooms: $85
20% savings for Early Bird registration by May 19
Group incentives: Send four participants for the price of three.

Cultivating Peaceful Early Childhood Classrooms

Facilitated by Susanna Ramos-Lambert and Olynda Smith (bios below)

When: July 29, 2023
Carolina Friends School, Durham, NC

CEU’s Available

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